IMEFE (Municipal Institute for Employment and Business Training)

Year of establishment: 2000
Owner/founder: Jaén City Council

The Instituto Municipal de Empleo y Formación Empresarial (IMEFE) plays an essential role in facilitating the labour integration of migrant workers in the agricultural sector in the province of Jaén, Spain. Navigating a landscape where agriculture, despite being an economic pillar, often lacks social support and faces a negative perception, IMEFE collaborates with various entities and social organisations to facilitate not only the labour integration but also the development and training of these workers.

In this context, migrant workers, while facing obstacles such as the need for recognition of qualifications and language barriers, are also seen as actors who, with adequate support and training, can make a significant contribution to the dynamism and revitalisation of rural areas.

General description of the organization and its activities

IMEFE, located in Jaén, has stood out as an entity committed to the integration of migrant workers in the agricultural sector in the province. Although it does not produce food or crops directly, IMEFE is instrumental in connecting and communicating between farmers and workers, often migrants, who work in fields where a wide variety of products are grown, potentially including the olive tree, for which Jaén is especially known. 

By collaborating with various entities and organisations, including migrant associations, social services, and training and employment units, IMEFE not only facilitates employment, but also addresses challenges related to training and the social and cultural integration of migrant workers. The entity seeks to overcome common obstacles faced by migrants, such as barriers to accessing training and certification, and works to perceive and enhance the value that migrant workers bring to rural and agricultural areas.

Country of origin of the migrant workers

Workers are mainly from the Maghreb, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

Provenience of the migrant workers within the country

Los migrantes que acuden al IMEFE provienen principalmente de África y Latinoamérica. En general, son “newcomers” o recién llegados que buscan empleo en la región. A menudo, estos individuos acuden a servicios sociales u otras instituciones similares que, a su vez, los derivan al IMEFE para obtener ayuda adicional en la búsqueda de empleo y la integración en el sector agrario de la provincia de Jaén. El papel del IMEFE, por lo tanto, es crucial para facilitar su inserción laboral y social, brindándoles acceso a formación, orientación y otras oportunidades.

Presentation of the initiative(s) implemented

Reasons and motivations of the integration initiative involving migrants

The Municipal Institute for Employment, Training and Placement (IMEFE) operates with a clear focus on the integration of immigrants in the labour and social sector, especially in the agricultural sector which shows a notorious demand for labour. 

IMEFE’s motivations include not only meeting labour needs, but also promoting the social and economic inclusion of immigrants, avoiding their marginalisation and revitalising rural areas demographically. 

Its objectives range from facilitating access to employment and providing skills development and training, to supporting socio-cultural integration and assisting in the legal and documentary regularisation of immigrants. It also seeks to effectively connect labour supply and demand, ensuring successful employment relationships and promoting positive working environments. In addition, IMEFE actively collaborates with various entities and organisations to establish a broad and cohesive support network that can comprehensively address the diverse needs and challenges faced by immigrants. 

In an environment that can often be precarious and challenging for newcomers, IMEFE provides an important bridge, facilitating not only access to employment but also a smoother and more structured integration into society through training, skills development and connections to the community and the labour sector.

External stakeholders associated

Several external stakeholders involved in the process of labor integration and support for immigrants in collaboration with IMEF. These stakeholders play various roles, from direct assistance to immigrants in navigating documentation and legal processes, to providing training and facilitating employment opportunities, and also contributing to broader social integration efforts. Collaboration among these entities ensures a multifaceted approach to supporting immigrant workers in the agricultural sector and aiding their social, legal, and economic integration.

  • Local labour market insertion round table: They have periodic meetings aimed at coordinating and informing to facilitate the insertion of workers, sharing information about the services and initiatives developed by each party. Each entity, through its placement and guidance technicians, seeks the best placement for each job seeker based on job offers.
  • Patronato de servicios sociales del ayuntamiento
  • Cáritas: This organization provides support to underprivileged individuals, likely helping with aspects like food, shelter, and possibly even job training
  • Cruz Roja (Red Cross)
  • Asociación Marcelino Champagnat
  • Jaén Acoge
  • Diagrama
  • Don Bosco

Description of the inclusion process step by step

  • The inclusion process for migrants in the agricultural sector begins with their arrival and an initial contact that provides initial assistance and support to manage documentation and regularisation.
  • The next step involves providing legal support and help with documentation, followed by securing basic needs, such as housing and transport. 
  • This is followed by skills development and training, which includes both job-specific training and language and cultural adaptation classes. 
  • Job integration is the next crucial step, where organisations coordinate to link workers with job offers, while also providing comprehensive workplace orientation. 
  • The next phase involves ongoing support and deeper community integration through participation in local events and establishment of support networks. 
  • Social integration and interpersonal relationships are fostered to strengthen community cohesion and acceptance. 
  • Finally, the process closes with a focus on long-term development and career progression, ensuring sustainable socio-economic inclusion and participation.

Impact of the initiatives

Main impacts on multicultural teams’ management

IMEFE (Instituto Municipal de Empleo y Formación Empresarial) endeavors to enhance multicultural team management by fostering a supportive environment for diverse workforce integration within the agricultural sector. The cultivation of an inclusive atmosphere ensures different cultural perspectives are valued, facilitating innovative problem-solving and enriched collaborations. Through educational programs and workshops, IMEFE enhances cross-cultural understanding among team members, mitigating potential conflicts and ensuring smoother operational workflows. By aligning diverse talents and skills, multicultural teams under IMEFE’s initiatives can effectively address the complex challenges of the agricultural sector while promoting collective growth and sustainability.

Main impacts on work inclusion

IMEFE demonstrates a profound impact on work inclusion by acting as a bridge between immigrants and the agricultural job market. Through various programs, it assists in smoothing the transition of immigrants into the local workforce, providing necessary training and skill development, thereby enhancing their employability. IMEFE also facilitates connections between workers and employers, ensuring the alignment of skills with job requirements. This not only aids the immigrants in securing stable employment but also assists local agricultural businesses in accessing a reliable and skilled labor force, thereby fortifying the sector and local economy.

Main impacts on social inclusion

Through its structured integration process, IMEFE significantly impacts social inclusion, ensuring immigrants are not merely workers but active, contributing members of the community. By focusing on aspects beyond employment, such as socialization, cultural exchange, and participation in local events, IMEFE facilitates deeper connections between immigrants and local populations. This leads to a mutually enriching relationship where immigrants bring new perspectives and values, while also adapting to and becoming part of the local societal fabric, enhancing community cohesion and multicultural understanding.

Challenges met and how they were overcome

IMEFE encountered challenges like potential cultural and linguistic barriers, ensuring consistency in work opportunities, and aligning training with the actual demands of the job market. These were overcome by implementing language and cultural training, establishing a thorough understanding of the agricultural sector’s needs, and ensuring programs were adaptable and responsive to changing demands and circumstances.

Challenges not me and why

Some unresolved challenges might include fully eliminating instances of social exclusion or discrimination towards immigrants within communities or workplaces. Such challenges persist due to deeply rooted societal prejudices and are not easily mitigated solely through workforce integration and training initiatives. It remains a continuous effort to foster total societal acceptance and inclusiveness for immigrants at all community levels.

Training issues

Training needs to deal with migrants according to the role

IMEFE recognizes the distinct training needs of various roles, such as owners and foremen, within the agricultural sector regarding managing and working alongside migrants. Owners, often engaged in managerial and decision-making roles, may require training in cultural sensitivity, labor laws related to international workers, and communication skills to effectively lead a diverse workforce. Foremen, who typically engage more directly with the workers, may need additional training in inclusive leadership, conflict resolution, and perhaps language skills to bridge any communication gaps. IMEFE’s role involves identifying these nuanced training needs and developing programs that ensure each role is equipped with the knowledge and skills to create a harmonious and productive multicultural work environment, enhancing both operational efficiency and worker satisfaction.

Training needs targeted to migrants

Addressing the training needs of migrants is pivotal for IMEFE, ensuring they can effectively integrate into the Spanish agricultural sector. The training for migrants often encompasses language courses to mitigate communication barriers and enhance their ability to navigate through the Spanish work environment. Furthermore, training in work-specific skills, understanding of local work ethics, laws, and rights, and basic technology use are crucial. IMEFE also acknowledges the importance of soft skills training, such as teamwork and communication, in facilitating migrants’ harmonious inclusion into the workforce, enabling them to contribute optimally while ensuring their well-being and job security.

Training needs targeted to national workers in worksharing with migrants

National workers sharing work environments with migrants may have distinct training needs, addressed by IMEFE, to foster a seamless and collaborative working relationship. Cultural sensitivity and awareness training become vital to ensure that national workers can comprehend, respect, and value the diverse backgrounds that migrants bring to the team. Communication training, especially in scenarios where language barriers exist, as well as team-building activities that foster unity and collaborative spirit across diverse team members, are pivotal. IMEFE, recognizing the potency of a harmonious multicultural work environment, orchestrates training that not only boosts operational efficiency but also fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective growth among national and migrant workers.

Suggestions and advices from the interviewee

A robust and efficient inclusion process for migrant workers in the agricultural sector involves several key facets. The importance of comprehensive training programs for all stakeholders – owners, foremen, migrant, and national workers – is emphasized, focusing on cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and role-specific skills. The involvement of various external stakeholders in facilitating work and social inclusion of migrants is critical, indicating a multi-faceted, collaborative approach towards integration. Moreover, addressing challenges related to legal documentation and ensuring social and work inclusion through regular interactions and cooperation with various organizations stands out. Overall, cultivating an open-minded perspective among all participants in the agricultural sector towards multicultural teams is imperative for sustainable integration and mutual growth.